
Review of Heaven’s Door Bootleg Series Volume 3

Review of Heaven’s Door Bootleg Series Volume 3
Reader Rating859 Votes
Review of Heaven’s Door Bootleg Series Volume 3
Review of Heaven’s Door Bootleg Series Volume 3
Bottle Info

Classification: Bourbon finished in Vino de Naranja Casks

Company: Heaven’s Door Spirits

Distillery: Sourced (from undisclosed Kentucky distillery[ies])

Release Date: December 2021

Proof: 121.2

Age: 13 Years

Mashbill: Undisclosed

Color: Red Mahogany

MSRP: $545 (2021)

Official Website

Reader Rating859 Votes


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  1. “India”

    India is a vast and diverse country with a rich culture and history. From its bustling cities to its serene temples and beautiful landscapes, there is so much to discover in this incredible nation. It is also home to a vibrant and warm-hearted people who make India a truly unique and fascinating place to visit.

  2. “Expert”

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  3. “Learning new skills”

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  4. “Italian food”

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Written by Daniel Davis

Daniel Davis has been writing about spirits for over 10 years. He is a frequent speaker at whiskey festivals and events around the country and has been a judge at several international spirit competitions. He is passionate about educating people about the history and culture of whiskey and bourbon and loves to share his knowledge with others.

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