
Rowan’s Creek Batch 22-34 Whiskey Review and Ratings

Rowan’s Creek Batch 22-34 Whiskey Review and Ratings
Reader Rating963 Votes

Rowan’s Creek Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey

Rowan’s Creek is a bourbon produced by Kentucky Bourbon Distillers, Ltd. (KBD), a company otherwise known as Willett Distilling Company or “Willett Distillery” as it is most commonly referred to. Willett Distillery was established by the Willett Family in 1935, and then in the 1970s switched from distilling spirits to distilling ethanol for fuel, and in the 1980s, stopped distilling entirely. Willett Distillery began distilling spirits again in 2012.

Rowan’s Creek was first released in the mid-1990s with a 12 year age statement. It is the sister bottle to Noah’s Mill, a higher proof bottling from Willett with a similar look and feel. In the early 2000s the age statement was dropped from Rowan’s Creek’s label. The product was sourced until recently, and Willett Distillery does not disclose where Rowan’s Creek was distilled for much of its history, and likely included whiskey from a number of distilleries. However, as Willett’s distillate aged, the company eventually changed over to bottling Rowan’s Creek with their own distillate in recent years.

The name Rowan’s Creek is derived from the creek that runs through Willett Distillery’s grounds. The creek is named after John Rowan, who settled in the area and made a name for himself as a judge and statesman.


The nose begins by establishing a sturdy caramel base, with layers of vanilla and honey sweetness mingling in. Toasted marshmallow notes enhance this sweetness, while a light floral-grassy scent adds an unusual dimension. The sweet bouquet is complemented by a hint of spice, adding contrast to this otherwise fairly balanced aroma.


The medium-bodied palate leads with caramel as its most prominent flavor. It continues with the soft, mellow sweetness of vanilla, which is supplemented by raw sugarcane sweetness that layers in. Light oak adds a gentle touch of depth and complexity. The unusual grassy-floral note on the nose also comes into play on the palate, but moves away from the grassy side towards a more general floral undertone that’s still unusual and somewhat hard to pin down. Peppery spice emerges on the backend, contrasting what is otherwise a sweet-forward, above average sip.


The finish kicks off with a rush of spice, mingling with caramel and vanilla that carry over from the palate. The warmth of brown sugar unveils itself, again keeping the ongoing tone on the sweet side as it finishes. The floral note has dissipated entirely by this point, making for a more straightforward sweet-spice mix that concludes the sip on a modest note.


Rowan’s Creek is one of Willett’s brands that does not highlight the Willett name or showcase the family crest, which has become a trademark people look to of the brand. This includes Noah’s Mill, Johnny Drum Private Stock, Pure Kentucky, Kentucky Vintage, Old Bardstown Bottled in Bond, Old Bardstown Estate Bottled, and Old Bardstown 90 Proof.

Rowan’s Creek is essentially the lesser version of Noah’s Mill – less proof, less age (at one point when age was stated and presumably also the case today

Rowan’s Creek Batch 22-34 Whiskey Review and Ratings
Rowan’s Creek Batch 22-34 Whiskey Review and Ratings
Bottle Info

Classification: Straight Bourbon

Company: Kentucky Bourbon Distillers, Ltd. (KBD)

Distillery: Willett Distillery

Release Date: Ongoing

Proof: 100.1

Age: NAS (Aged at least 4 years per TTB regulations)

Mashbill: Undisclosed

Color: Copper

MSRP: $50 (2023)

Official Website

Reader Rating963 Votes


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  1. >The palate starts with a burst of caramel and vanilla, building upon the nose’s foundation. A slightly earthy taste follows, with a touch of oak and a hint of dark chocolate. The floral-grassy note from the nose makes an appearance as well, providing a unique twist to the flavor profile. The spice also becomes more prominent on the palate, adding a nice kick to the smooth and sweet notes. A well-rounded and pleasant tasting experience overall.

    “The Rowan’s Creek Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey is a well-crafted bourbon that showcases the rich history and legacy of Willett Distillery. The caramel and vanilla notes on the nose are balanced by interesting floral and grassy scents, while the palate offers a delicious blend of sweet, earthy, and spicy flavors. A must-try for bourbon enthusiasts looking for a unique and enjoyable drinking experience.”

  2. >This is definitely an interesting bourbon with a complex flavor profile. The initial taste is dominated by creamy caramel and butterscotch notes. As the flavor develops, more layers emerge including dark berries, oak, and a touch of cinnamon spice. The sweetness from the nose carries over, but the spice helps to balance it out and keep the palate from becoming too sugary.

    “The Rowan’s Creek Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey offers a unique and complex flavor profile with notes of caramel, vanilla, honey, and spice. Its connection to the Willett Distillery and the history behind its name adds to its appeal. A must-try for bourbon lovers.”

  3. >This whiskey has a rich and creamy mouthfeel, with a burst of flavors including honey, brown sugar, and citrus. The spice notes also come through on the palate, with a warm finish that lingers pleasantly. While the sweetness dominates, there are enough complexities to keep it interesting and well-rounded.

    “The Rowan’s Creek Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey is a beautifully crafted spirit that showcases the Willett Distillery’s dedication to quality and tradition. The balanced and complex nose and palate make for a delightful sipping experience, and the connection to the distillery’s history adds an extra level of appreciation. Highly recommended for bourbon connoisseurs and newcomers alike.”

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Written by Emma Jones

Emma Jones has been writing about the spirits industry for the past five years. She has a degree in journalism and has written for several publications. Emma is passionate about the history and culture of whiskey and bourbon, and loves to share her knowledge with her readers. She is an active member of the Bourbon Women Association and the Kentucky Distillers Association. Emma is also a frequent speaker at whiskey and bourbon events, and has been featured in several publications and podcasts. She is dedicated to educating her readers on the history and culture of whiskey and bourbon, and is always looking for new ways to share her knowledge.

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