
Westward Whiskey Review: A Fiery Dance of Flavors

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Oh, whiskey enthusiasts and flavor adventurers! Gather around as we embark on a spirited journey through the golden essence of the ever-gallant, ever-bold *Westward American Single Malt Whiskey Cask Strength*. Whether you’re a whiskey connoisseur or merely curious, prepare to have your taste buds serenaded by this harmonious blend from the pioneers of Portland, Oregon.

Sipping on Tradition with a Twist of Innovation

A Troubadour in a Glass – The All-American Single Malt

Before we tuck into this libation’s luscious liquid, let’s tip our hats to the category of American Single Malt Whiskey itself. Picture this: a whiskey as American as apple pie, yet with a dashing sprinkle of Old World charm. Crafted with 100% malted barley, each sip of this amber nectar promises a folk tune of flavors ranging from the smokiest campfire tales to the zestiest lemon orchards. Plus, this rebel spirit struts along the same path as its Scottish and Japanese cousins but dons a star-spangled banner!

Uncorking Westward Whiskey’s Elixir

Now, onto our hero, the Westward Whiskey Cask Strength. This ain’t your usual malt! Known for strutting its stuff at an impressively high proof, this potion will enchant you with a flavor symphony that crescendos with each dram. But heed my words, dear sippers, for this elixir is no shy wallflower. It’s a firework display of taste, a jubilant jig across your palate that leaves you yearning for an encore!

An Ode to the Senses

The Malt Maestro’s Symphony – The NOSE

Uncork the bottle, take a whiff, and let your olfactory orchestra play the first notes of toasted almonds waltzing with pineapple. Then, as the dance continues, catch the whiff of apricot and the subtle licorice notes of fennel tuning in, while a robust malty foundation ensures the ensemble plays in perfect harmony. Bold and complex, the aroma is just the overture to a memorable performance.

A Palette of Palate Pleasures

Let the spirit glide over your tongue, and revel in the jubilant jive of bright stone fruits like a summer’s day picnic. Then comes the zesty orange entangled with buttery graham cracker, only to be sweetened by the entrance of honey’s smooth serenade and a grand peach pie finale. This palate play is as bright as it is punchy, with a warming heat that wraps around you like a cozy throw on an autumn evening.

A Finish That Echoes Through Time

The finale of this liquid ballet pirouettes through summer fruit at first, followed by the earthy encore of tobacco and cigar box notes. The fruit stubbornly lingers, boldly asserting itself against the savory backdrop, before gracefully concluding in a long, pleasing finish that insists upon an encore.

When Unique Meets Magnetic

Oh, this is no ordinary whiskey. If whispers of the Flavor Profile haven’t already convinced you, the powerhouse of its Cask Strength will. It’s like hosting a soiree on your palate – an array of additional flavors bursting with fabulous intensity. The orchestra of fruit and citrus punches plays in harmony with dulcet tones of graham cracker and the savory richness in the finish. Each sip is akin to discovering a new rhythm that just makes you want to tap your feet and nod your head in approval.

Why This Spirit Should Top Your Shelf

The Whiskey Whisperer’s Call to Arms

For those yet to ride the American Single Malt Whiskey wave, the Westward American Single Malt Whiskey Cask Strength stands as a beacon on the hill, ready to convert even the most steadfast of bourbon buffs. It dances the fine line between familiar and frontier, a thrilling spectacle for the palate. So, might you be swayed to join the movement? This expression of American spirit endeavors to make disciples out of doubters and believers out of the curious.

In conclusion, dear friends, raise your glasses to a tipple that has travelled the wagons Westward, capturing the pioneering spirit in each cask-strength bottle. It’s audacious, it’s American, and it’s waiting to be savored. To purchase this national treasure, saddle up and ride over to Frootbat for your very own bottle of discovery. Cheers to your health, and may your spirits be as high as the proof of this fine malt!

Westward Whiskey Review: A Fiery Dance of Flavors
Bottle Info

Classification: American Single Malt

Company: Westward Whiskey

Distillery: Westward Whiskey

Release Date: Ongoing

Proof: 125

Age: NAS (Aged at least 4 years based on TTB regulations)

Mashbill: 100% Malted Barley

Color: Amber

MSRP: $100 (2022)

Official Website

Reader Rating4595 Votes

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  1. I absolutely loved this article on the Westward Whiskey Review – the writer perfectly captured the fiery dance of flavors that make this distillery’s whiskey stand out from the rest. I can’t wait to try it for myself at the next whiskey tasting event!

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Written by Olivia Taylor

Olivia Taylor has been writing about bourbon for the past five years and has become an expert in the field. She is passionate about educating people about the history and culture of bourbon and loves to share her knowledge with others. Olivia is also an avid traveler and has visited many of the world's top bourbon distilleries. She is a member of the Kentucky Bourbon Trail and the American Whiskey Trail. Olivia is a graduate of the University of Kentucky and holds a degree in English Literature. She currently resides in Louisville, Kentucky, where she enjoys exploring the city's vibrant bourbon culture.

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