
Craft Spirits Direct-to-Consumer Shipping Favored by 80% Consumers

Craft Spirits Direct-to-Consumer Shipping Favored by 80% Consumers

Shopping for Craft Spirits is Ripe with Possibilities

In today’s ever-evolving and vast marketplace, shoppers are increasingly turning to craft spirits as a way to invest in a unique, high-quality product. Naturally, this shift in consumer demand has created an enormous opportunity for craft distillers. According to a recent survey, 80% of consumers stated they prefer to purchase craft spirits from distilleries directly via a direct-to-consumer shipping option.

The Appeal of Shopping Directly for Craft Spirits

Shoppers who are interested in acquiring craft spirits are often driven by three primary motivations: convenience, freshness, and savings. Shopping directly allows customers to have their purchase shipped directly to their door, saving them a trip to a retail store. This option also gives customers access to much fresher products, since the supply chain from distiller to consumer is much more direct. Last, but certainly not least, the cost of shipping is almost always lower when purchased from the distiller, resulting in significant cost savings.

Driving Sales Through Online Channels

Given the widespread demand for direct-to-consumer shipping, the next logical step for craft distillers is to leverage digital technology to increase sales. Online retail stores, internet marketing strategies, and social media presence are all key ingredients to selling craft spirits in the digital age. Additionally, incorporating a sophisticated website or app allows clients to find the exact product they are looking for and purchase with ease.

Engaging with Customers for Lasting Success

Despite the appeal of digital marketing efforts, it is also important for craft distillers to cultivate a personal connection with their customers. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as providing personalized customer service, hosting unique events, and engaging in conversations with clients. This two-way communication creates a strong, lasting relationship between the distiller and their customer base, and increases sales in the long-term.

Craft Spirits is Here to Stay

The data is undeniable: craft distillers who embrace online channels and prioritize personal engagement demonstrate are maximizing their chances for success. With 80% of customers eager to partake in direct-to-consumer shipping—and the right digital tools now available—it’s clear that the craft spirits industry will only continue to grow


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  1. His statement highlights the growing popularity and potential for craft spirits as a shopping option. As more and more consumers seek out unique and high-quality products, craft spirits are proving to be a ripe market with endless possibilities. With a direct-to-consumer option, distillers have even more opportunities to connect with their customers and showcase their craft. The future is certainly bright for the craft spirits industry.

  2. he statement highlights the growing popularity and potential in the craft spirits industry. With consumers increasingly seeking out unique and high-quality products, craft distilleries have a ripe opportunity to showcase their skills and tap into a growing market. This also emphasizes the importance of building a strong direct-to-consumer presence for craft distilleries to meet the changing demands of their customers.

  3. Alk2

    This statement highlights the growing popularity and demand for craft spirits, creating an exciting and diverse shopping experience for consumers. With the rise of direct-to-consumer options, shoppers have the opportunity to directly support and connect with craft distilleries, making their purchases all the more meaningful. It’s an exciting time for the craft spirits industry, and the possibilities for unique and high-quality products are endless.

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Written by Olivia Taylor

Olivia Taylor has been writing about bourbon for the past five years and has become an expert in the field. She is passionate about educating people about the history and culture of bourbon and loves to share her knowledge with others. Olivia is also an avid traveler and has visited many of the world's top bourbon distilleries. She is a member of the Kentucky Bourbon Trail and the American Whiskey Trail. Olivia is a graduate of the University of Kentucky and holds a degree in English Literature. She currently resides in Louisville, Kentucky, where she enjoys exploring the city's vibrant bourbon culture.

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