
“Smith Bowman Bourbon Takes Home Double Gold at Elite Competition”

“Smith Bowman Bourbon Takes Home Double Gold at Elite Competition”

All About A.‍ Smith Bowman Bourbon

Anyone who knows ​anything about bourbon, knows that A. Smith⁤ Bowman bourbon is a⁣ true Virginia gem. With a rich‌ and robust history,⁣ it’s a popular choice for bourbon ⁤enthusiasts, both seasoned connoisseurs and novices alike. And just at the point, when we thought it ⁣couldn’t amp up its popularity game, it took ⁣home a​ Double ⁤Gold medal ⁣in the North American Bourbon & Whiskey competition!

What’s the hype⁢ about A. Smith ⁣Bowman Bourbon?

A.⁤ Smith⁤ Bowman‌ has been distilling bourbon in Fredericksburg, Virginia, since the early 1930s. Its single barrel bourbon​ boasts‍ a unique flavour, full of nuances, thanks to‌ the ⁣copper still⁢ ‘Mary’, named after the mother of the Bowman‌ brothers themselves! It’s produced in ​limited quantities⁢ and each bottle is hand-labelled, ⁣carrying a personal touch.

The⁢ North American Bourbon & Whiskey Competition

The prestigious North American Bourbon & Whiskey Competition is a platform for spirits to be judged by ⁤their style and terroir. Brands participate‌ from⁣ across the globe, ⁢bringing ‍in diverse flavors, ⁤each unique in its‍ own terms.‌ The competition‌ gives manufacturers and crafters the rare chance⁤ to ⁣have their products reviewed and graded by ⁣a professional tasting‌ panel.

The Journey​ to ⁣Double Gold

Being ‍awarded a Double Gold medal ‍is no⁢ small ⁤feat. A spirit must be​ unanimously voted Gold by ⁣all members of⁢ the competition’s judging panel.⁣ It speaks volumes about the⁢ bourbon’s⁤ quality‌ and stature. But how did A.‌ Smith Bowman Bourbon⁤ make the cut?

Taste & Complexity

Well, it ​all ​boils down to​ the rich flavor ‍and complexity of this fine bourbon. With a nose‌ full of cherry, toasted⁢ caramel, vanilla and floral notes, complemented​ with a palate of warming spice, more caramel, some⁤ nuttiness and light tobacco, it’s⁤ a multifaceted bourbon that⁣ appeals to a wide range of tastes. Now,​ that’s a recipe for⁢ a‍ winner!

Patience & Dedication

But taste‌ is only part ​of the equation. The A. Smith Bowman ⁤team ⁣is wholly dedicated to their craft, consistently working towards curating a product⁤ that stands⁢ out. The time and care that⁣ goes into each bottle is evident in every sip -‌ a testament ​to their commitment ​to creating a truly exceptional bourbon.

What Next ⁢for A. Smith ‌Bowman?

The Double Gold is‌ one of many awards⁣ that the A. Smith Bowman team has had​ the honour ‍of receiving and with their history⁢ of success and spirit of perfection, this⁤ is just another ⁢feather added⁣ to their cap. So, what’s next? Continual‍ improvement and experimentation, more stunning ‍flavours, and surely, more accolades from competitions like ​these!


So here’s⁤ raising a toast to A. Smith Bowman forestalling its ​legacy of being at the top of the ‍bourbon game. ‍Despite being up‍ against some of​ the most​ recognisable brands​ in the world, it holds⁣ its ground and how. The Double Gold is a ​testament to the⁢ dedication, time and love that goes into each bottle of A. Smith Bowman.


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  1. Work reviewed by the leading‌ experts‌ in‌ the industry.⁣

    A. Smith Bowman Bourbon is truly a standout in the world of bourbon. With a rich history, unique flavors, and recent recognition in the North American Bourbon & Whiskey Competition, it’s no wonder why it’s a popular choice among bourbon enthusiasts. The personal touch and limited quantities make each bottle special and the competition allows this brand to shine among others in the market.

  2. Product⁢ tried by the top professionals in the industry, giving A. Smith‌⁣⁤ Bowman Bourbon even more credibility⁢.

    A. Smith Bowman Bourbon is a highly praised and sought-after brand, with deep roots in Virginia and a unique flavor profile. Its recent win at the North American Bourbon & Whiskey competition only adds to its already strong reputation. With limited quantities and a personal touch, A. Smith Bowman Bourbon is a must-try for any bourbon lover.

  3. Spirits evaluated by a panel of experts in the field, making winning the Double Gold medal⁣ all the more impressive for A. Smith⁤ Bowman.

    A. Smith Bowman Bourbon is a highly praised and sought-after choice in the world of bourbon. With its rich history and unique flavor profile, it has attracted both seasoned and novice bourbon enthusiasts. Its recent achievement of a Double Gold medal at the North American Bourbon & Whiskey Competition only adds to its already impressive reputation. A true gem from Virginia, A. Smith Bowman Bourbon continues to elevate the bourbon game.

  4. Spirits analyzed, to win not only recognition, but also invaluable feedback from ⁤experts.

    “A. Smith Bowman Bourbon is a must-try for any bourbon lover, with its rich history and unique flavors. Its recent Double Gold medal win in the North American Bourbon & Whiskey Competition only adds to its already impressive reputation.”

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Written by Daniel Davis

Daniel Davis has been writing about spirits for over 10 years. He is a frequent speaker at whiskey festivals and events around the country and has been a judge at several international spirit competitions. He is passionate about educating people about the history and culture of whiskey and bourbon and loves to share his knowledge with others.

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