
Buffalo Trace Unveils New Peated Bourbon in Latest Spirits Launch

Buffalo Trace Unveils New Peated Bourbon in Latest Spirits Launch

The New Release from Buffalo Trace: Peated Bourbon

Buffalo Trace, one of the most respected distilleries in the world, has recently released a new bourbon. This isn’t just any bourbon though, it is a peated bourbon. Peated whiskies have a smoky flavor profile due to the malt being dried with peat smoke, typically found in Scotch whisky. This new release from Buffalo Trace is quite unique as peating is not common in bourbon production.

Peated Bourbon: The Distilling Process

To create this peated bourbon, Buffalo Trace uses a small amount of barley that has been malted with peat. This barley is added to the mash bill before distillation. The mash bill for this bourbon is a 70/15/15 corn, rye, and barley combination which is then fermented and distilled before being put into charred new oak barrels to mature. The combination of the peated barley and charred oak barrels creates a complex flavor profile that is truly unique.

Peated Bourbon: The Tasting Experience

The first thing you notice when you pour a glass of peated bourbon is the aroma. The smoky scent from the peat is immediately noticeable but it’s not overpowering. The nose is rounded out with a vanilla sweetness from the oak barrel. On the palate, the smoky flavor is still present but again, it’s not overwhelming. There is a nice balance between the smoky flavor and the sweetness from the corn and oak. The finish is long with a gentle smokiness that lingers.

Peated Bourbon: The Future

Only time will tell whether or not this peated bourbon will become a staple in the bourbon world, but it is certainly intriguing. It’s not often that a major distillery like Buffalo Trace takes on a project like this. It shows that they are willing to push the boundaries of what is expected of them and experiment with new flavors. This peated bourbon is certainly worth trying, whether you’re a bourbon enthusiast or just someone who loves trying new things. Who knows, it might just become your new favorite bourbon!

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Written by Daniel Davis

Daniel Davis has been writing about spirits for over 10 years. He is a frequent speaker at whiskey festivals and events around the country and has been a judge at several international spirit competitions. He is passionate about educating people about the history and culture of whiskey and bourbon and loves to share his knowledge with others.

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